
Coworker stole from my girlfriend on federal trade zone job and manager seems to not car even though we have video.

Just like the title states. We work as security in a site that’s a federal trade zone. And the other day my gf gloves were stolen out of the break room in front of a camera. We found the video evidence and everything and presented it to our manager promptly and today the thief worked her shift like normal with no mention of the consequences and we still don’t have my gfs gloves back. What can I do if anything seeing as my manager doesn’t seem to care that they employ a thief in a federal trade zone position. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Just like the title states. We work as security in a site that’s a federal trade zone. And the other day my gf gloves were stolen out of the break room in front of a camera. We found the video evidence and everything and presented it to our manager promptly and today the thief worked her shift like normal with no mention of the consequences and we still don’t have my gfs gloves back. What can I do if anything seeing as my manager doesn’t seem to care that they employ a thief in a federal trade zone position. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

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