
I think I may be getting fired tomorrow (uk), any advice on employment law?

For context, this is mainly due to mental health. In the last 6 months, I’ve had a serious breakdown of my now previous relationship, resulting in me losing my home. Alongside that I’ve had a s*icide attempt, cancer scare, and as someone who suffers from major depressive disorder and anxiety, this has left me in a horrible position. I have missed a fair amount of work, some authorised via doctors note, but some not. It all built up and I definitely avoided speaking to work about my absence mainly for fear of being told what I may be about to. For a period of about a month, I had been working from home. Until my dog chewed my laptop charger, after which I told work I needed a replacement. I’d forgotten that I had a spare charger at work, which they found and now they believe that I never had…

For context, this is mainly due to mental health.

In the last 6 months, I’ve had a serious breakdown of my now previous relationship, resulting in me losing my home. Alongside that I’ve had a s*icide attempt, cancer scare, and as someone who suffers from major depressive disorder and anxiety, this has left me in a horrible position.

I have missed a fair amount of work, some authorised via doctors note, but some not. It all built up and I definitely avoided speaking to work about my absence mainly for fear of being told what I may be about to.

For a period of about a month, I had been working from home. Until my dog chewed my laptop charger, after which I told work I needed a replacement. I’d forgotten that I had a spare charger at work, which they found and now they believe that I never had a charger the whole time I worked from home as I’d left it at work.

This morning, I finally picked myself up and decided to come into the office and sort this out. But I was handed a letter by my line manager today, which reads as follows;

This letter confirms that we would like you to attend a disciplinary hearing at 10am on 13th January 2023 in ——. The hearing will be chaired by —– and —— HR Officer will also be present.

The purpose of the hearing will be to discuss the following allegations:

Failure to report absence on numerous occasions despite previous warnings, or failure to follow the prescribed process
Suspected dishonesty about reason been able to work (claiming equipment was damaged when it has been left in the office.)
Further unacceptable levels of absence (post an active formal warning on file)

You have the right to be accompanied at the hearing by a fellow worker, a trade union official or a trade union representative (who has been certified by their union as being competent to accompany a worker) if you so wish.
Your companion will, if you wish, be able to put your case; sum up your case; and respond on your behalf to any view expressed at the hearing. They will also be allowed to confer with you during the hearing. However, they will not be able to answer questions your behalf.

Depending on the facts established at the hearing, the outcome could be a formal disciplinary sanction up to and including dismissal, but a decision on this will not be made until you have had a full opportunity to put forward everything that you wish to raise and the hearing has been concluded.

If you are unable to attend the hearing, you must inform us of this fact as soon as possible. If your chosen companion is not available, you may specify another date for the meeting up to five working days later.

Yours sincerely

Any thoughts on this? I’m 22, and my workplace has been very supportive about my circumstances but I’m now terrified I’ll lose my job. If anyone has advice on what to say in the meeting, it would be appreciated. Also, does anyone know if they have to provide notice or compensation if I do end up being dismissed?

Thanks in advance

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