
The US has a systemic use of “Manager” titles to avoid paying overtime

In most states, the threshold is $455 a week, past that amount workers are doing unpaid overtime. Everyone needs to really look at how much they're being paid per hour. If you're a manager working 60 hours and making $455 you're making just over the federal minimum wage. If instead you were being paid the minimum wage and working 60 hours a week you'd be making over $500 a week. Not a huge difference, but it adds up. ​

In most states, the threshold is $455 a week, past that amount workers are doing unpaid overtime. Everyone needs to really look at how much they're being paid per hour. If you're a manager working 60 hours and making $455 you're making just over the federal minimum wage. If instead you were being paid the minimum wage and working 60 hours a week you'd be making over $500 a week. Not a huge difference, but it adds up.

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