
Why I think the youth is just sick and tired of working already

I wouldn't discount the youth too much. I'm 26 now but before this was my life: elementary school recess was taken away so out entire lives would be this grind of learning the FCAT which was founded only to help line the pockets of Bush's friends. I also failed a grade due to refusing like any normal 9 year old to do 6 hours of homework a night. I remember juat breaking down this teacher just gave out so much work. High school I worked 80 hours a week between sports and AP classes that consisted of pointless busy work. All for the hopes of college which A. Barely gave me and most people any scholarship money. B. Worked us to the bone as D1 athletes. I then joined the military for school which again sent me back to 80-120 hours of work a week. Then I chose reserves I…

I wouldn't discount the youth too much. I'm 26 now but before this was my life: elementary school recess was taken away so out entire lives would be this grind of learning the FCAT which was founded only to help line the pockets of Bush's friends. I also failed a grade due to refusing like any normal 9 year old to do 6 hours of homework a night. I remember juat breaking down this teacher just gave out so much work. High school I worked 80 hours a week between sports and AP classes that consisted of pointless busy work. All for the hopes of college which A. Barely gave me and most people any scholarship money. B. Worked us to the bone as D1 athletes. I then joined the military for school which again sent me back to 80-120 hours of work a week. Then I chose reserves I was tired. The best job I could get was a job that never gave me vacations, 60 hour work weeks and 15$ an hour.

I'm not even in my 30s and I've thrown in the towel. I'm fortunate to have a spouse that makes good income. I'm just completely burned out. I cant even motivate myself to do much else besides studying for enchrace exams for school. And the sad part is my story isn't special. A lot of us young ppl are burned out and pissed off. They've been grinding us since childhood and it's resulting in young people having the burn out levels of someone in their 40s.

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