
Is my boss ”Shadow-Banning” me?

I’ve been working at my store Since April last year, originally as a summer worker But I got to stay there as a part time shift worker. Which was all Good and dandy until my new boss was put in place back in November. Things seemed to be fine at first and I got to work a Good bit! The customers like me and I believe my coworkers do too. But now Since the new year started I have only gotten to work ONCE on new years day. I tried talking to him(my boss) and questioning him very nicely in person about when I was going to work next. He answered with that he hadnt gotten it all figured out yet and that he would contact me this Monday about it when it all was finalised. Low and behold Monday comes and I don’t hear a peep. No email, no…

I’ve been working at my store Since April last year, originally as a summer worker But I got to stay there as a part time shift worker. Which was all Good and dandy until my new boss was put in place back in November.
Things seemed to be fine at first and I got to work a Good bit!

The customers like me and I believe my coworkers do too. But now Since the new year started I have only gotten to work ONCE on new years day.
I tried talking to him(my boss) and questioning him very nicely in person about when I was going to work next. He answered with that he hadnt gotten it all figured out yet and that he would contact me this Monday about it when it all was finalised.

Low and behold Monday comes and I don’t hear a peep. No email, no text and no phone call or anything.
I think “oh well, they must be very busy and he might’ve just forgotten.” So I texted him the next day instead, on his phone number that’s linked to our work app.
At first I thought that he just hadn’t seen it since he hadn’t replied all day. But he was posting things inside of our Facebook group so I was confused to say the least.
But didn’t think too much of it..

I got a text today from a coworker of mine that wanted to change shifts with me for tomorrow and I happily accepted since I really need the time. Told them to text our boss so he could put it in my schedule.
But only minutes later I got a text back, saying that “the store” thought that it was too close on top of the upcoming shift that it couldn’t be changed onto someone else.
Now this has NEVER been a problem before especially not with our old boss and me and another coworker changing shifts just barely a day ahead of them happening. And there never being an issue.

Because of this I checked the text I sent to my boss again today, and it says that he read it two days ago. For some reason he just hasn’t responded to me.
Im planning on maybe going and confronting him tomorrow about it all in person, but I’m a bit unsure of what to do otherwise.

It makes me feel like he’s just unprofessional or that maybe I’ve done something wrong that he just isn’t telling me about? It makes me question a lot of things. Like if he even likes me as a worker and if my coworkers actually really like me or if it’s all just a facade.

I can’t go to anyone higher as he is the one who owns the store and is the boss for everyone there.

I think what I need is just some solid advice?
Thinking that I’m gonna have to start looking for something new, as it seems this new boss can’t even communicate with me properly.

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