
Raising the Minimum Wage

I’m a Junior in High School and we just covered the New Deal in History. We had a small debate afterwards and a lot of kids are against raising the minimum wage too much because they think it will cause more inflation. I’m a lurker here and wanted to get help finding sources since I tend to talk to some of these people a lot about issues like these and google didn’t come up with stuff I find fully trustworthy. I’m also in an extremely red state, so it doesn’t help me out that I’m one of like 10 kids in my school with opinions like mine.

I’m a Junior in High School and we just covered the New Deal in History. We had a small debate afterwards and a lot of kids are against raising the minimum wage too much because they think it will cause more inflation. I’m a lurker here and wanted to get help finding sources since I tend to talk to some of these people a lot about issues like these and google didn’t come up with stuff I find fully trustworthy. I’m also in an extremely red state, so it doesn’t help me out that I’m one of like 10 kids in my school with opinions like mine.

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