They almost got me with the “We actually help people getting back on their track” bs, but when the guy said “sometimes we have to convince people to borrow money from relatives because it’s better to own 8k to your cousin than 10k to the bank” I wanted to run.
I don’t even disagree but fork banks, I won’t ever be happy making a living on people’s misery.
I’m good with people and passionate about designing customer experience, and I was a very decent sales person but I won’t ever use it with people in vulnerable positions.
I’m broke, new immigrant and sleeping on my ex’s couch, but he understood and said he is more then happy to help me out while I find something decent because he thinks it’s a good example for our kids but it sucks I’m giving up a great salary (I trust my mojo and I can make lots of money doing that, bonuses and salary), because I’m not a piece of shirt.
I would consider accepting it and quitting after finding something better but I can’t fight the gag reflex too much without diving into a dark pit of depression.
Fork banks, fork exploiters
I’ll find a job to help people, I won’t give up