
Boss threatened to demote me and cut my hours. Should I just quit or stand my ground?

I’ve (24f) worked at a gas station for 3 years now. My boss (43f) has been cheating on her husband for the past 2 years with customers from the gas station we work at. She sometimes does this on the clock. She has two phones. Her husband tracks her on one so when she wants to cheat she makes something up so she has excuse to come to work. Last time she lied and told her husband she had to come to work because I had to take my grandpa to the hospital. She then comes into work and hides her main phone and takes her 2nd phone to meet a guy for sex. She didn’t tell me she did this until she was on the phone with her husband and he had her ask me how my grandpa was doing. I had no idea what she was talking about…

I’ve (24f) worked at a gas station for 3 years now. My boss (43f) has been cheating on her husband for the past 2 years with customers from the gas station we work at. She sometimes does this on the clock. She has two phones. Her husband tracks her on one so when she wants to cheat she makes something up so she has excuse to come to work. Last time she lied and told her husband she had to come to work because I had to take my grandpa to the hospital. She then comes into work and hides her main phone and takes her 2nd phone to meet a guy for sex. She didn’t tell me she did this until she was on the phone with her husband and he had her ask me how my grandpa was doing. I had no idea what she was talking about and I was angry she’d bring my family into her drama. She has started treating me badly recently and I believe it’s because she wants me to quit because I know too much about what she does. She also has the guys she sleeps with come in the store on her days off and report back to her on what we’re doing. She’ll then send us texts and ask us why certain things aren’t done. On Friday, she threatened to demote me and cut my hours because she said stuff isn’t getting done on my shift. This isn’t true at all and I feel like I’m being targeted to try to push me to quit. I’ve considered going to someone above her to tell them what’s been going on but I don’t know what to do. I’m just working through college right now and don’t want to be without a job. I also don’t want to lose a job I’ve had for over 3 years over something like this. Any advice is welcome

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