
A former supervisor from before the COVID-19 pandemic tried to connect with me on LinkedIn today

At my market research job I had before COVID-19, I'd often come home crying because of toxic managers and supervisors. I would go home crying a lot, talk about it in therapy regularly, and it started to get so bad I even developed a teeth grinding problem, stress vomiting, and other health problems. I was usually sick every month because of how stressful it was. Anyway, I went back to school for a statistics degree during the pandemic, got a data science fellowship, also got a healthcare regulation job to start the new year with…and a toxic supervisor that I would literally vent about in therapy tried to connect with me on LinkedIn today. (To be fair, I know a lot of people from that previous job anyway.) I have no words. I'm torn between feeling like I have a pit in my stomach…and cackling with schadenfreude. I don't think…

At my market research job I had before COVID-19, I'd often come home crying because of toxic managers and supervisors. I would go home crying a lot, talk about it in therapy regularly, and it started to get so bad I even developed a teeth grinding problem, stress vomiting, and other health problems. I was usually sick every month because of how stressful it was.

Anyway, I went back to school for a statistics degree during the pandemic, got a data science fellowship, also got a healthcare regulation job to start the new year with…and a toxic supervisor that I would literally vent about in therapy tried to connect with me on LinkedIn today. (To be fair, I know a lot of people from that previous job anyway.)

I have no words. I'm torn between feeling like I have a pit in my stomach…and cackling with schadenfreude. I don't think I'll bother to make that connection, but I'm still amused that an attempt was made…but also kind of upset at the same time.

Anyway, the moral of the story is that no one owes previous supervisors shit.

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