
Same shit different day

I don’t understand what brought the human race to the point where we are slaves to work. Is life genuinely supposed to be set up for a 9-5. Like what is considered “life” cause it’s definitely not life when I’m working. It’s definitely not life when I’m sleeping. Both of those things take up considerable amounts of my time. So when the fuck do I actually get to “live”. Only on my days off? Only when I have free time? That’s total bullshit. The way life is set up I will work my next 40-50 years and if I’m good enough with my money I will be able to retire. By that time I will be in my 70s. Average lifespan is 75 so if retirement is the end goal I will only truly get 5 years of my life to “live”. I’m sick and tired of this shit and…

I don’t understand what brought the human race to the point where we are slaves to work. Is life genuinely supposed to be set up for a 9-5. Like what is considered “life” cause it’s definitely not life when I’m working. It’s definitely not life when I’m sleeping. Both of those things take up considerable amounts of my time. So when the fuck do I actually get to “live”. Only on my days off? Only when I have free time? That’s total bullshit. The way life is set up I will work my next 40-50 years and if I’m good enough with my money I will be able to retire. By that time I will be in my 70s. Average lifespan is 75 so if retirement is the end goal I will only truly get 5 years of my life to “live”. I’m sick and tired of this shit and I hate the world thanks.

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