
A bit of a vent—I’m feeling so defeated

I work as part of the management team of a popular cosmetics company. I am an artist and therefore freelance and take as many jobs in the industry I want to be in as possible. I was hired on with them knowing this. So if I book a job, it hasn’t been an issue in the past. We have a new manager who is extremely by the book and policy-driven. I booked time off for next month (three separate dates) due to jobs I’ve booked. He is now telling me I have to pick and choose as there are only two requests per month, so says policy. I didn’t go to school to be stuck in a retail job that’s making me choose between building my own business and career and a shift at the mall. There are other things that have happened/changed since he’s been hired on, and my…

I work as part of the management team of a popular cosmetics company. I am an artist and therefore freelance and take as many jobs in the industry I want to be in as possible. I was hired on with them knowing this. So if I book a job, it hasn’t been an issue in the past.

We have a new manager who is extremely by the book and policy-driven. I booked time off for next month (three separate dates) due to jobs I’ve booked. He is now telling me I have to pick and choose as there are only two requests per month, so says policy.

I didn’t go to school to be stuck in a retail job that’s making me choose between building my own business and career and a shift at the mall.

There are other things that have happened/changed since he’s been hired on, and my mental health and my life outside of work (and inside of work of course) have been in decline. Any days off I have are spent sleeping all day and scrambling to do any chores around the house, never mind freelance hunting, working on my portfolio, website, etc. I want to quit so badly but I have no savings. The jobs posted in my area are jobs you need certain education/qualifications for (that I don’t have) or they’re fast food jobs. (Which I have no issues with, but they don’t pay what I make currently and I cannot live below my current wage. I can barely live at my current wage so I certainly can’t go any lower)

How the fuck is this what life is? How is this ok? I don’t know what to do.

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