
If you don’t think the game is rigged you’re playing it exactly how they want.

Last year the company I work for rolled out a new incentive program for employees. This year they are cutting our monthly expense budget by 2/3. The incentive program is points driven. Accomplish certain goals and you get some points. Make certain mistakes and you lose points. The problem is the amount of possible negative events and the point assignment FAR exceeds the positive possibilities. There was initially a certain task employees could perform for bonus points. When everyone started doing it, they said it was, “being given out too freely” and no longer allowed us to give out the bonus points. The program is designed to not only make it near impossible to meet the maximum bonus but even if a few reach it here and there, it is statistically impossible for everyone (even a majority) to meet it. The company knows they will never come close to paying…

Last year the company I work for rolled out a new incentive program for employees. This year they are cutting our monthly expense budget by 2/3.

The incentive program is points driven. Accomplish certain goals and you get some points. Make certain mistakes and you lose points. The problem is the amount of possible negative events and the point assignment FAR exceeds the positive possibilities. There was initially a certain task employees could perform for bonus points. When everyone started doing it, they said it was, “being given out too freely” and no longer allowed us to give out the bonus points. The program is designed to not only make it near impossible to meet the maximum bonus but even if a few reach it here and there, it is statistically impossible for everyone (even a majority) to meet it. The company knows they will never come close to paying out maximum bonuses.

The monthly expenses are being cut because we are “spending too much” and shouldn't be short on supplies, etc. Meanwhile, with the current budget, we are usually out of (or close to out of) a handful of items at any one time and need our corporate facility to send down some of their supplies to get us over.

They're also cutting out some of the perks we give employees such as occasional breakfast foods and drinks or gift cards.

They do all this while regularly bragging about high/record profits and how strong we have been and thrived through a pandemic. They preach family and tell our teams how they're the backbone of the company. Yet, they create new ways to give us less and give themselves more. They take an excess from one area, give us back just a small portion and not only expect us to be grateful for it but expect us to be too naive to realize what they're doing.

If you're not mad you're not paying attention.

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