
Boss made horribly out of touch video

This is actually my husband's boss. He's the epiome of horrible boomer boss. He created some videos about succeeding in the work force. One was how to show effort in an interview. The example was for an architect being asked how tall the building they were in is. Interviewee 1 replies “oh I researched all the buildings of the companies I applied to. It's exactly this tall”. Interviewee 2 replied ” I'm not sure, let me find out for you”. He then goes outside and measures the buildings shadows to find height. He goes back in and gives an estimate based on his calculations. And this was incomprehensible time, but his boss said the 2nd interviewee was the good one! He claimed that going out to find the answer showed initiative. So somehow he sees initiative in leaving an interview to go find an approximate answer instead of being prepared…

This is actually my husband's boss. He's the epiome of horrible boomer boss. He created some videos about succeeding in the work force. One was how to show effort in an interview. The example was for an architect being asked how tall the building they were in is. Interviewee 1 replies “oh I researched all the buildings of the companies I applied to. It's exactly this tall”. Interviewee 2 replied ” I'm not sure, let me find out for you”. He then goes outside and measures the buildings shadows to find height. He goes back in and gives an estimate based on his calculations. And this was incomprehensible time, but his boss said the 2nd interviewee was the good one! He claimed that going out to find the answer showed initiative. So somehow he sees initiative in leaving an interview to go find an approximate answer instead of being prepared ahead of time with an exact answer. I can't see any hiring manager ever agreeing that the 2nd interviewee would be the better candidate.

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