
“Stay humble” is bullshit

The “stay humble” career advice/mantra is bullshit. They only want you to stay humble so you devalue your work so they can take advantage of you and you can’t even be mad at them because you need to “stay humble” “be grateful for having a job” “put in your time before ‘working yourself up’”. Frick it all. Frick staying humble. You are amazing at what you do and you deserve treatment, benefits and pay to reflect this. You deserve better. Stay egocentric & cocky just like those in power are.

The “stay humble” career advice/mantra is bullshit. They only want you to stay humble so you devalue your work so they can take advantage of you and you can’t even be mad at them because you need to “stay humble” “be grateful for having a job” “put in your time before ‘working yourself up’”. Frick it all. Frick staying humble. You are amazing at what you do and you deserve treatment, benefits and pay to reflect this. You deserve better. Stay egocentric & cocky just like those in power are.

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