
Am I wrong for ignoring my boss

So earlier this week my boss on my day job decides that he wants to send me out of town, now me working a job at night tells him that the notice is too short and that I may not be able to go, he continues to push until I agree to try and go fast forward a few days, so I called out from my day job to help my wife take care of her dad since he fell out of the bed and refused to go the hospital that morning, around noon I get a text that is basically saying that he wants me to meet my co worker that is also going out of town at another location in town in the morning, I agreed to go there since he said it was for another job, fast forward to about 10:30pm, I’m working on my night job,…

So earlier this week my boss on my day job decides that he wants to send me out of town, now me working a job at night tells him that the notice is too short and that I may not be able to go, he continues to push until I agree to try and go fast forward a few days, so I called out from my day job to help my wife take care of her dad since he fell out of the bed and refused to go the hospital that morning, around noon I get a text that is basically saying that he wants me to meet my co worker that is also going out of town at another location in town in the morning, I agreed to go there since he said it was for another job, fast forward to about 10:30pm, I’m working on my night job, my day job boss texts me and co worker say that we need to go out of state again and that we needed to go straight there, so due to the text I received earlier saying to go to the other location responded by asking if we were still going to the other location in town first or not, I never got a response from either of them, fast forward to 4am, I get up and get dressed and get ready to leave for the site out of town, since I never got a response about my question, and due to our work day starting at 6 am I assumed that we need to be there early in the morning (out of state site) and left so I could get there early, I’ve been driving for 2 hours I’m halfway to where I thought I needed to be my day job boss finally answers my question and says that we were supposed to go the location in town first, me getting extremely angry pulled over and instead of responding to him I ignored him for several hours before just saying that I was sick and wouldn’t be back until the following Monday,4 days away. Am I wrong or is my boss?

Also I have already been considering leaving my day job anyway since my night job has better benefits, and planned on putting in my 2 weeks on Monday, but now I don’t even want work out my 2 weeks

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