
I am starting to feel very taken advantage of at work.

My boss (who hardly ever works btw) is giving my two coworkers (who are sales) Fridays off, or letting them get out at noon if they sell enough life insurance policies. They have to sell 6 between the two of them a week. That’s it. Not hard to do. If they achieve it, they get out at noon on Fridays. If they get 8, they get the whole Friday off. Meanwhile, guess who’s here to work by themselves on those Fridays? The busiest day of the week? Me. And this is going on until the end of March and started at the beginning of this month. I’ve already had to work a couple Fridays on my own. Well I was sick last Friday. I needed to get off work early because I could not make it through the rest of the day. And, of course my coworker who stayed made…

My boss (who hardly ever works btw) is giving my two coworkers (who are sales) Fridays off, or letting them get out at noon if they sell enough life insurance policies. They have to sell 6 between the two of them a week. That’s it. Not hard to do. If they achieve it, they get out at noon on Fridays. If they get 8, they get the whole Friday off. Meanwhile, guess who’s here to work by themselves on those Fridays? The busiest day of the week? Me. And this is going on until the end of March and started at the beginning of this month. I’ve already had to work a couple Fridays on my own.

Well I was sick last Friday. I needed to get off work early because I could not make it through the rest of the day. And, of course my coworker who stayed made sure to let me how “crazy busy” it was and she could “barely handle it.” Yeah? You were here by yourself on the busiest day of the week? Tell me how that feels. I’d love to know.

I don’t feel bad. How can anyone get irritated with me for leaving because I don’t feel well? When I’m going to be by myself just about every Friday until April? And not just half days but some entire days. It’s like I’m invisible.

I know I’m not in sales so I don’t get these benefits and initiatives. But I feel very taken advantage of. I feel like my feelings do not matter. It’s okay for them to feel overwhelmed if I’m out sick. But not once do they think “oh, wait a minute. She’s going to be doing this every week for two months.” It’s like the thought does not occur to them. I am already physically here more than them as it is. I man the office by myself way more than them, yet they both complain if I need to take a day off. They get plenty of days off, even aside from this Fridays off thing. I worked 5 out of the 6 pre/post holidays so they could have them off. My one coworker leaves 20-30 minutes early every single day for no reason and 2 hours early once a week. I take half a day and it was “sooo busy!”

Yeah. I know. You know when else it was busy? Those Fridays you both had off. Some of the days before/after the holidays. The difference is, I try not to mention how overwhelmed I was because it’s my JOB to be here.

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