
How can we hold jobs/bosses more accountable?

I've applied to 100+ jobs since the end of November. Most of the don't respond at all and others will send rejection emails with no explanation or information. The last straw was today when I called a job that I interviewed for last Wednesday to ask about the status of my application, as I was told I would get a response by Friday. The person I needed to talk to was “busy” and would “call me back later” (an excuse I've heard before from jobs that never contacted me again). 6 hours later and closer to their closing, still no call back. So I call again, the person is still “unavailable”. I ask plainly for transparency about the situation and they say “sorry, they are just not available”. I sent an email and am waiting for a response. These people are playing with others' lives. I literally cannot afford food…

I've applied to 100+ jobs since the end of November. Most of the don't respond at all and others will send rejection emails with no explanation or information. The last straw was today when I called a job that I interviewed for last Wednesday to ask about the status of my application, as I was told I would get a response by Friday. The person I needed to talk to was “busy” and would “call me back later” (an excuse I've heard before from jobs that never contacted me again). 6 hours later and closer to their closing, still no call back. So I call again, the person is still “unavailable”. I ask plainly for transparency about the situation and they say “sorry, they are just not available”. I sent an email and am waiting for a response.

These people are playing with others' lives. I literally cannot afford food right now. Endless hours re-writting/re-formatting resumes and cover letter for 100+ job listings and they just get to blow you off, even after you've spent time/money interviewing. Always throughout U.S history, businesses get to fuck over everyone else, take the easy route, and the little people are left to fight for scraps.

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