
support the workers!

We’re bargaining today. Our last contract expired in 2017. There are many reasons why The Blade/Block Communications should negotiate in good faith so we can reach a deal soon. One of the most compelling: We keep losing great colleagues. Many didn't want to leave — they wanted to build long careers at The Blade. They care deeply about Toledo and this publication. But they understandably got fed up after not getting a raise for years, and watching inflation eat into their earnings. They got tired of not having much vacation time, or certain policies like only receiving a 1/2 hour off on MLK Day. They got sick of the roof always leaking on their desks when it rained or snowed. It’s time to hammer out a fair contract. Let’s move past this — so we can just focus on putting out a great newspaper.

We’re bargaining today. Our last contract expired in 2017.

There are many reasons why The Blade/Block Communications should negotiate in good faith so we can reach a deal soon. One of the most compelling: We keep losing great colleagues.

Many didn't want to leave — they wanted to build long careers at The Blade. They care deeply about Toledo and this publication. But they understandably got fed up after not getting a raise for years, and watching inflation eat into their earnings.

They got tired of not having much vacation time, or certain policies like only receiving a 1/2 hour off on MLK Day. They got sick of the roof always leaking on their desks when it rained or snowed.

It’s time to hammer out a fair contract.

Let’s move past this — so we can just focus on putting out a great newspaper.

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