
I Stand Corrected

I’ve browsed this sub and was thinking, “Hmmm…so these jobs are all hiring but not actually hiring qualified candidates. I’m not sure that would be the case for my situation.” Background: I work in the auto insurance industry. This industry is always booming. Therefore, I didn’t assume that I would be rejected for a position I am more than qualified for. As there are always openings because those who can’t deal with it, don’t, and quit. So I apply for an open position with a different company from my own, as there are no openings in my state for the current position I’d want. This position can make over $42K a year. I have the experience, I have the education, pay was not much higher than what I make now, but I figured a 3 dollar raise would be worth it. I apply and go through the interview process pretty…

I’ve browsed this sub and was thinking, “Hmmm…so these jobs are all hiring but not actually hiring qualified candidates. I’m not sure that would be the case for my situation.”
Background: I work in the auto insurance industry. This industry is always booming. Therefore, I didn’t assume that I would be rejected for a position I am more than qualified for. As there are always openings because those who can’t deal with it, don’t, and quit.

So I apply for an open position with a different company from my own, as there are no openings in my state for the current position I’d want. This position can make over $42K a year.

I have the experience, I have the education, pay was not much higher than what I make now, but I figured a 3 dollar raise would be worth it.

I apply and go through the interview process pretty quickly. I know I answer the interview questions quite well because I have the background knowledge for this position.

Well, a couple of days later, I receive an email that I was not chosen for the position as there are “many qualified candidates applying and that it is difficult to choose between candidates.”

Now it was not specified how many fill ins were needed for this position, but with insurance, usually they’ll hire multiple in the area at one time.

End of story: I felt pretty shocked and my ego was blown seeing as how I felt overqualified. There are still other positions open with other companies paying around $53K a year to start, so it just makes me want to laugh that I was rejected over a position that would pay me 3 more dollars an hour when other companies are paying 10-15 more per hour for the same position. I’m sure it was a good thing I won’t start with this company as there are better opportunities with hire pay, but it just baffles me to no end. F*ckers.

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