
I think my boss indirectly admitted she had been discussing my yearly review with another worker.

Names changed. Wisconsin, USA. I work in a facility that provides day services and job training /life/socialization skills for adults with developmental disabilities. It's yearly review time, oh god help us all. At the time, 2022 in reviee, we had six staff and about 25 clients. I was given some helpful review tips and some highly contradictory advice. The main one being while Diane the boss knows she keeps me very busy, and I don't really have down time, I'm also not seeing what needs doing and jumping in and helping out, and she notices what's not being done, but doesn't notice if she doesn't see it what is being done. But also doesn't want us coming to her SAYING what we got done like we need stickers… Makes sense sure so I'm busy but I need to help more. Gotcha. I asked her at the end of the day…

Names changed. Wisconsin, USA.

I work in a facility that provides day services and job training /life/socialization skills for adults with developmental disabilities. It's yearly review time, oh god help us all. At the time, 2022 in reviee, we had six staff and about 25 clients.

I was given some helpful review tips and some highly contradictory advice. The main one being while Diane the boss knows she keeps me very busy, and I don't really have down time, I'm also not seeing what needs doing and jumping in and helping out, and she notices what's not being done, but doesn't notice if she doesn't see it what is being done. But also doesn't want us coming to her SAYING what we got done like we need stickers… Makes sense sure so I'm busy but I need to help more. Gotcha.

I asked her at the end of the day for a copy of my review as well as the last one, covering 2021. She finished the scoring section as well as the notes we discussed, and mentioned one section being not applicable. The aforementioned you're not seeing things that need doing and doing them because I keep you too busy to do anything outside your schedule.

Here comes the kicker. Diane then said that well she guessed that wasn't true since Andie had said she had been busy yesterday and didn't start lunch setup and mentioned I had come in without being asked and was setting up lunch until Andie came in. Which, as Diane pointed out was me seeing a need and doing it. And her not seeing it be done, so assuming I wasn't doing anything.

So um. Diane. How did Andie know me not helping was an issue that was going to be brought up at my review to the point that ANDIE felt the need to mention I had, in fact, done EXACTLY WHAT DIANE SAID I WAS NOT DOING?

Andie and Diane are best friends since wombhood. Andie and I are not friends. It seems far too coincidental that Andie had this anecdote ready to go that was exactly what the issue is. We have no HR. The closest is the Board President, who has a history of tending to side with Diane and Andie in conflict. She also does not keep staff confidence, as in if I went to her with trouble resolving an issue, BP will name drop my trouble to the person I'm in conflict with. I have no idea to who or how to bring this up and I feel absolutely demoralized and disrespected even more so than just being the lowest paid staff member since I don't drive. I am quite bothered and hoping someone might have a way I can approach this.

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