
Soooo what is my union there for?

So I am a teacher thus I don't have a normal human resources department, just a union for assistance. There has been major issues with a fellow teacher for years. He takes credit for others work, copies other teachers lesson plans without permission, goes through their desks, spreads confidential information (he is a union rep) the list goes on and on. Last year I approached the union president and he spoke to said teacher. Things didn't really improve so again I went through the union. Problem is there is a new president and vice president. They are old friends with this teacher. They assure me it will be handled, etc. etc. Nothing was ever done. Instead they just gave him a promotion within the union. Major slap in the face. Only a white strait male could pull that off. The problems persist so I went against every instinct and talked…

So I am a teacher thus I don't have a normal human resources department, just a union for assistance.

There has been major issues with a fellow teacher for years. He takes credit for others work, copies other teachers lesson plans without permission, goes through their desks, spreads confidential information (he is a union rep) the list goes on and on.
Last year I approached the union president and he spoke to said teacher. Things didn't really improve so again I went through the union.
Problem is there is a new president and vice president. They are old friends with this teacher. They assure me it will be handled, etc. etc. Nothing was ever done. Instead they just gave him a promotion within the union.
Major slap in the face. Only a white strait male could pull that off.
The problems persist so I went against every instinct and talked to admin. They were shocked to hear but advised me they could do nothing and go to the union.
This is not a teacher I can just avoid but one I am forced to work closely with. I am applying to other jobs but I cry everytime. I love my job, my students, my other co-workers I don't want to leave. But at this point do I have any other choice?

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