
Can you guys think of anyone I can complain to employees working in a building with no heat?

So the little grocery store down the road from me has a broken heater, I am in New England where it is as colder than it has been since that “polar vortex” thing. The real temperature is 4°, but it’s so windy it’s actually -15°, tomorrow it’s supposed to be -17°, I went into the grocery store fully geared up in winter clothes, I had long underwear under my yoga pants and under my long sleeve shirt, I was wearing a hoodie and a ski jacket, and I had just come from my very warm car. After five minutes in the store I was shivering. So as I was paying I said some thing about how cold it is where they are standing and how can they stand that all day and they said yeah it’s worse than you think we don’t have heat until Tuesday. I must have been…

So the little grocery store down the road from me has a broken heater, I am in New England where it is as colder than it has been since that “polar vortex” thing. The real temperature is 4°, but it’s so windy it’s actually -15°, tomorrow it’s supposed to be -17°, I went into the grocery store fully geared up in winter clothes, I had long underwear under my yoga pants and under my long sleeve shirt, I was wearing a hoodie and a ski jacket, and I had just come from my very warm car. After five minutes in the store I was shivering.

So as I was paying I said some thing about how cold it is where they are standing and how can they stand that all day and they said yeah it’s worse than you think we don’t have heat until Tuesday. I must have been so loud about how upsetting this is that someone from the produce department stopped what she was doing to join in the conversation across the room.

Then I started saying really loudly how abusive it was and how they really should just close. I don’t think any of the people in that section have any power I think they were all just regular employees but I got kind of loud about it.

I just looked and OSHA won’t care I guess they don’t have temperature standards. Can you guys think of anything I can do for these people I’m really upset about this. I have a whole bunch of those hand warmer things, I should bring them to the store and give them to the people. But their boss should do that, their boss should buy them space heaters I can’t believe these people are going to have to work in the coldest weather we have had in years with no heat.

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