
Judged for working part time?

Probably the wrong sub for this, but didn't know where else to rant tbh. Does anybody else get judged for working part time? Or atleast feel like they are being judged? I'm 30/M. Single, so I've been dating etc as of late, ofcourse the usual question comes about work, I tell them what I do and what hrs I work and before I can even finish explaining it's “Why don't you work full time?” “Ha is THAT really the amount of hours you do?” “Do you not feel lazy?” “How do you afford to live?” “I don't know how you can work so little” “Why don't you ask for more hrs?” Are all comments I've received from either family or strangers on the interwebz. Just a rant I wanted to get off my chest, please delete if not allowed.

Probably the wrong sub for this, but didn't know where else to rant tbh.

Does anybody else get judged for working part time? Or atleast feel like they are being judged?

I'm 30/M. Single, so I've been dating etc as of late, ofcourse the usual question comes about work, I tell them what I do and what hrs I work and before I can even finish explaining it's “Why don't you work full time?” “Ha is THAT really the amount of hours you do?” “Do you not feel lazy?” “How do you afford to live?” “I don't know how you can work so little” “Why don't you ask for more hrs?” Are all comments I've received from either family or strangers on the interwebz.

Just a rant I wanted to get off my chest, please delete if not allowed.

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