

Hey guys, I just really need to vent and I feel like nobody would understand better than this community. I read so many of your posts and am inspired by your hard work and perseverance, however it breaks my heart to hear about how under-appreciated you are. The state of our world is just insane right now and it’s exhausting trying to fight to survive. I am quite young and only graduated from college a couple years ago, and I feel as though I have been thrusted into a world in the brink of collapsing. The price of housing, student loans, groceries, healthcare, it’s all just so much and I can’t keep up with it all. If my case was unique then I would feel much more hopeful, but I know I am not special and there are millions of people struggling just as much, if not more than me.…

Hey guys, I just really need to vent and I feel like nobody would understand better than this community. I read so many of your posts and am inspired by your hard work and perseverance, however it breaks my heart to hear about how under-appreciated you are.

The state of our world is just insane right now and it’s exhausting trying to fight to survive. I am quite young and only graduated from college a couple years ago, and I feel as though I have been thrusted into a world in the brink of collapsing. The price of housing, student loans, groceries, healthcare, it’s all just so much and I can’t keep up with it all. If my case was unique then I would feel much more hopeful, but I know I am not special and there are millions of people struggling just as much, if not more than me.

To everybody who works and has kids – I don’t know how you do it. You guys are fucking superheroes. Taking care of myself is so difficult and the thought of getting up every morning and giving so much energy and time and money and love into another person sounds harder than rocket science to me. Please never let society make you feel as though you are not doing enough or providing enough, it’s a very hard world right now and you’re doing your best.

I’ve been trying to find a WFH job for a while now and I’ve had no success. Even with a degree that I spent 30,000 on, it seems like my two options are min wage retail and food service, both of which I’ve worked in and found myself in deep depressive episodes because of the overstimulation and clopens (I have bipolar and my #1 trigger is sleep). I’ll literally do anything at this point if it means I can WFH, and I’m not opposed to an in person job if it’s not extremely socially demanding and doesn’t schedule me inhumane hours. I just don’t want to be limited to food and retail all my life.

In all honesty, I’m terrified of this world and the way our culture has reduced the beauty of the human existence to productivity and profit. Humans used to work hard to help one other thrive, too build homes for their communities, etc. Now most of us spend 40 hours a week making some rich person we’ve never met even richer. Sometimes I think about all the little luxuries I would give up if it meant that everybody could direct their hard work into themselves and their loved ones. Idk. Too many thoughts

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