
Don’t be fooled, 10 hour days and 4 day weeks suck just as much

The goal should be LESS hours, not DIFFERENT hours. My job used to be the 8 hour workday, 5 day workweek situation. A couple years ago we switched over to 10 hour days and 4 day weeks. I hate it because my quality of life has gone down. You think it sounds good because you’re only thinking about the weekend, but let me tell you, I now understand what it really feels like to “live for the weekend,” and it is miserable because during the week I am basically dead. 2 extra hours per day of my physical job is exhausting. I’m more tired than ever. I fall asleep earlier. I wake up earlier. I get less sleep overall. My slept schedule is so fragile now that it gets messed up easily. I see my friends less because I’m either taking a nap, sleeping, or working whenever they do things,…

The goal should be LESS hours, not DIFFERENT hours.

My job used to be the 8 hour workday, 5 day workweek situation. A couple years ago we switched over to 10 hour days and 4 day weeks. I hate it because my quality of life has gone down.

You think it sounds good because you’re only thinking about the weekend, but let me tell you, I now understand what it really feels like to “live for the weekend,” and it is miserable because during the week I am basically dead.

2 extra hours per day of my physical job is exhausting. I’m more tired than ever. I fall asleep earlier. I wake up earlier. I get less sleep overall. My slept schedule is so fragile now that it gets messed up easily. I see my friends less because I’m either taking a nap, sleeping, or working whenever they do things, even during the weekend. My eating cycle is fucked up, so it’s hard for me to eat enough food now. As a result, I always feel shitty, and recharging on the weekend doesn’t fix it.

I feel like I never have the free time during the week to actually enjoy my life. When I worked 8 hour days I felt like I could accomplish so much in a workday. I could play video games, do chores, watch tv with my mom and work my job all in one day. Now that I work 10 hour days, I have the time/energy for 1 activity outside of basic survival. Do I want to do the dishes today? Or do I want to watch a movie? Because I don’t have the energy to do both. I miss feeling alive during the week.

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