
I’m a shift lead and getting paid $3.50 less than a new hire that literally does nothing

I just started a restaurant job like 4 months ago and am getting paid $9.50. I just got a 50¢ raise for being promoted to shift lead. A new hire of about a month or so now was hired at $4 more than me, she’s almost 3 years younger & her pay is higher because she had a restaurant job before this. Problem is – she doesn’t do shit, she’s on her phone all the time when her other coworkers are busting their asses to close yet she’s getting paid more than all of us. She constantly is trying to leave work early, asks off like every week, is always trying to get a shift covered (as if she doesn’t work 3 days max every week) and can’t even function when she does work. It’s a slap in the face to be paid this much less than a highschooler who…

I just started a restaurant job like 4 months ago and am getting paid $9.50. I just got a 50¢ raise for being promoted to shift lead.

A new hire of about a month or so now was hired at $4 more than me, she’s almost 3 years younger & her pay is higher because she had a restaurant job before this. Problem is – she doesn’t do shit, she’s on her phone all the time when her other coworkers are busting their asses to close yet she’s getting paid more than all of us. She constantly is trying to leave work early, asks off like every week, is always trying to get a shift covered (as if she doesn’t work 3 days max every week) and can’t even function when she does work.

It’s a slap in the face to be paid this much less than a highschooler who doesn’t do shit especially when I’m HER shift lead. I’m getting paid less than her to tell her what to do 24/7. The problem is my boss is very flexible, my job is very easy, and I would like this job on my resume because I’ve been a shift lead now, so I don’t want to quit 4-5 months in. My work history is ass because I walked out of my last job & I can’t put it on my resume so my last job was in 2020 according to my resume.

My employee papers say we can have our tips forfeited for the pay period if boss finds out we talked about pay – so how the fuck I’m gonna bring it up that I’m unhappy making less than someone who doesn’t know they weren’t supposed to talk about their pay is unknown to me. I know it’s illegal to prevent pay talk but I don’t like bad blood with coworkers or bosses regardless of rules. Fml

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