
Forced work interactions

So looking for some advice on a current situation I am on at the moment. I have worked for the company now since October. Was very excited about starting, fresh start and all that. Since starting I have had some pretty heavy news about my mum being really ill. Which resulted in me being more quiet than normal, I'm normally quite a reserved guy in work anyway but this made me very quiet with my colleagues. I'd still engage in conversation but preferred to just focus on work as it's been hard mentally. Performance wise I wasn't perfect as it is a completely new industry for me. Which resulted in my probation being extended, I understood their reasoning and points to work on performance wise. Since the probation review I have had regular meetings to make sure the points to work on are being worked on, which is fine. Today…

So looking for some advice on a current situation I am on at the moment.

I have worked for the company now since October. Was very excited about starting, fresh start and all that. Since starting I have had some pretty heavy news about my mum being really ill. Which resulted in me being more quiet than normal, I'm normally quite a reserved guy in work anyway but this made me very quiet with my colleagues. I'd still engage in conversation but preferred to just focus on work as it's been hard mentally.

Performance wise I wasn't perfect as it is a completely new industry for me. Which resulted in my probation being extended, I understood their reasoning and points to work on performance wise.

Since the probation review I have had regular meetings to make sure the points to work on are being worked on, which is fine. Today my point to work on was to engage in different ways with the other departments and the wider business, the example I was given was make an effort to have lunch with someone different each day, or ask someone to take a break with me, not just smoking breaks.

It feels really odd to me to force this on someone who has been open about mental illness already and is in a difficult time on their life. I feel like I'm being asked to organise play dates instead of thinking about getting myself up to standard performance wise.

Have they ran out of things for me to work on?

The company preaches how good it's culture is but all I can see is that it is quite cliquey. And is a culture that good if you have to force people to be a part of it ?

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