
Feeling completely stuck in my situation

Really not sure what to do. My wage job has been cutting hours and my bills have simultaneously gone up. I’m turning 26 this year and have only worked wage jobs since high school. I have no degree and no means of getting one, I need to start working somewhere that pays me more but I need something fulfilling. I’m naturally creative but everyone knows how that goes when it comes to finding a job. So many jobs require a bachelors degree. Feeling so hopeless I’ve considered seeing a therapist but I can’t even afford that LOL

Really not sure what to do. My wage job has been cutting hours and my bills have simultaneously gone up. I’m turning 26 this year and have only worked wage jobs since high school.

I have no degree and no means of getting one, I need to start working somewhere that pays me more but I need something fulfilling. I’m naturally creative but everyone knows how that goes when it comes to finding a job. So many jobs require a bachelors degree.

Feeling so hopeless I’ve considered seeing a therapist but I can’t even afford that LOL

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