
Sad what a dying man has to go through…

I’m dying. I’m “lucky” enough to have a disease that has no cure or treatment. Outlook is 1-3 years tops. My father died from this disease at 53. Took him in 9 months. I’m 38. I’ll be lucky to see 40. I mention my luck because unlike some I won’t have huge medical bills to worry about. There’s 1 procedure I can get to assist if I choose and that’s a feeding tube. Rest is just chill and wait for the inevitable. I’ve worked my whole life like most. I have a good, high paying job. Love what I do. Did you know that when you go out on disability you lose your life and health insurance through your employer? Yeah… that’s fun. Can’t get life insurance if you’re terminally ill either anywhere else. Remedy? Be lucky enough to be dead within 12 months. If a doctor will say that,…

I’m dying. I’m “lucky” enough to have a disease that has no cure or treatment. Outlook is 1-3 years tops. My father died from this disease at 53. Took him in 9 months. I’m 38. I’ll be lucky to see 40.

I mention my luck because unlike some I won’t have huge medical bills to worry about. There’s 1 procedure I can get to assist if I choose and that’s a feeding tube. Rest is just chill and wait for the inevitable.

I’ve worked my whole life like most. I have a good, high paying job. Love what I do. Did you know that when you go out on disability you lose your life and health insurance through your employer? Yeah… that’s fun. Can’t get life insurance if you’re terminally ill either anywhere else. Remedy? Be lucky enough to be dead within 12 months. If a doctor will say that, you can cash out your life insurance while you’re still alive.

Need to have your house retrofit because you soon will be paralyzed from the neck down, but still able to feel everything? Just can’t talk or swallow or move….. yeah ain’t no insurance paying for that. Don’t have $50k cash to throw down? Maybe you do…. But then your rainy day fund is gone for when you really need it. Want to be able to communicate with your loved ones but would need a special eye-gaze device? Yeah that’ll be $10k.

Our insurance (health and life) are so fucked up in the US. I guess “thankfully” I’m one of the lucky ones who’s doctors are will to say I have less than 12 months.

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