
I actually love what I do for a living.

I'm a machinist. If I didn't have to work, I would still do this because I enjoy it. However, I still HATE that I have to to survive. I HATE that I'm doing it for some company so that someone else can get paid millions per year; more so, I HATE that someone else gets to dictate when I work, what I make, and how I have to behave. Mostly a rant here, but I'm wondering, does anybody feel the same?

I'm a machinist. If I didn't have to work, I would still do this because I enjoy it. However, I still HATE that I have to to survive. I HATE that I'm doing it for some company so that someone else can get paid millions per year; more so, I HATE that someone else gets to dictate when I work, what I make, and how I have to behave. Mostly a rant here, but I'm wondering, does anybody feel the same?

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