
Got sidestepped so looking for an exit plan

Accepted a job for business analytics and strategic insights. However, when I started I realized how horrible the data was and started a mission to cleanup the data warehouse in order to produce meaningful results. It was a 5 year mission and finally as we’re able to start the “fun” work of driving strategy with the data we assembled. However, my boss decides to retire and our team gets rolled into a new team. New manager hasn’t even met with me and already thinks their existing team can do what we worked so hard to get done better when they don’t even understand the complexity around the data. The promotion I was promised by my manager is now gone. The new manager promoted their existing staff to perform what I was initially hired to do. So, if they think they can do a better job without even consulting the people…

Accepted a job for business analytics and strategic insights. However, when I started I realized how horrible the data was and started a mission to cleanup the data warehouse in order to produce meaningful results. It was a 5 year mission and finally as we’re able to start the “fun” work of driving strategy with the data we assembled. However, my boss decides to retire and our team gets rolled into a new team. New manager hasn’t even met with me and already thinks their existing team can do what we worked so hard to get done better when they don’t even understand the complexity around the data. The promotion I was promised by my manager is now gone. The new manager promoted their existing staff to perform what I was initially hired to do. So, if they think they can do a better job without even consulting the people who built the data then so be it. Not worth the fight for me. Taking my knowledge and going elsewhere. They will fail miserably as from the basic questions they’ve asked it’s apparent they don’t know the organization, products, or data. I’m just grateful that I have so many other departments knocking on my door asking me to move over to their area without the need for me to reach out as it’s obvious this new manager is putting their trust in the wrong people – but I get it’s who they’re used to working with. However, an experienced manager would assess everyone’s strengths before making any organizational changes. I feel completely disappointed and hope that I find an external opportunity so I can just give my 2 weeks instead of a long drawn out internal transfer where they’ll most likely come running to me for support.

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