
I Wish I Didn’t Exist During This Time Period

I’m 20 years old pissing my life away at a bullshit job unable to go to college, unable to start a family. I can’t move out of my parents’ house. I don’t see the point of existing if I can’t even simply start a family. I don’t see the point to all of this. I wish I was a hunter. I wish I lived a couple thousand years ago where I could go out in the woods and hunt my own food. Fish. Bathe in a lake. Run through the trees. Bring purpose to my own tribe of humans. Feel appreciated. Today and tomorrow I will wake up and every morning after realizing how unimportant I really am and how my life actually has no meaning. I bring little to no impact to the world. I am an unimportant worker slave bringing nothing to the table. Serving people who don’t…

I’m 20 years old pissing my life away at a bullshit job unable to go to college, unable to start a family. I can’t move out of my parents’ house.

I don’t see the point of existing if I can’t even simply start a family. I don’t see the point to all of this.

I wish I was a hunter. I wish I lived a couple thousand years ago where I could go out in the woods and hunt my own food. Fish. Bathe in a lake. Run through the trees. Bring purpose to my own tribe of humans. Feel appreciated.

Today and tomorrow I will wake up and every morning after realizing how unimportant I really am and how my life actually has no meaning. I bring little to no impact to the world. I am an unimportant worker slave bringing nothing to the table. Serving people who don’t give a shit about me.

Why are are we taught as children the only way to succeed in this life is slave your life away for money. A stupid piece of paper. Most of the time, people don’t even make it out of the rat race. They die trying.

Why do we give up our precious, valuable time away for pennies? Why are we slaves to cooperations who give little to no shits about us? Why are we doing all of this? Why do we fight to defend this miserable, corrupt system? Why?

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