
I’m speaking to HR in 1 hour because I want to be an individual contributor and not a manager. (full story in comments)

I've been working for a global consultancy for almost 1.5 years. My recruiting/hiring was unorthodox. The CEO, whom I used to know on a close-acquaintance basis, contacted me directly and offered me a position, which I accepted. I told the CEO I had two stipulations: I had a specific salary in mind and didn't care to lead or manage teams anymore due to mental health issues. He agreed to my terms. It took a few conversations between myself, the CEO, and HR, but in the end, they gave me the salary I requested by providing me with a title that matched my salary. I want to be clear that I have been very vocal and honest about my mental health issues and desire to steer clear of leadership/management, even during my interviews with hiring managers. In December, I was assigned to work on a project filling in for a team…

I've been working for a global consultancy for almost 1.5 years. My recruiting/hiring was unorthodox. The CEO, whom I used to know on a close-acquaintance basis, contacted me directly and offered me a position, which I accepted. I told the CEO I had two stipulations: I had a specific salary in mind and didn't care to lead or manage teams anymore due to mental health issues. He agreed to my terms. It took a few conversations between myself, the CEO, and HR, but in the end, they gave me the salary I requested by providing me with a title that matched my salary. I want to be clear that I have been very vocal and honest about my mental health issues and desire to steer clear of leadership/management, even during my interviews with hiring managers.

In December, I was assigned to work on a project filling in for a team lead while they were on leave. However, when I was cast for the assignment, I was on vacation and unable to review the project's role/responsibilities. I return from vacation and am onboarded onto the project. I'm assured that it would be light leadership duties. I complete the onboarding process and am immediately dumped into a complex project in which our team carries some critical responsibilities and accountability. I tried to tough it out for two weeks, but I started getting feelings of immense dread and anxiety. I was losing sleep and felt hopeless and unsupported, so I asked to be removed from the project. I explained again that I didn't feel comfortable leading this team or accepting such responsibilities and accountabilities.

Things get sticky here: My title and duties stipulate that I may have to take on some leadership and management responsibilities. So now, I have to speak with HR and be placed on a PIP as per SOP whenever someone leaves a project before completion. My supervisor has assured me that I should not worry about any termination language and to focus on how I can perform my duties as per the duties of my position.

I probably have no legal standing if I were to be terminated. I wish we could normalize individual contributorship as a career path and not force people into leadership positions who don't want them.

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