
an open letter to the redditors on this sub, grow the fuck up and stop being ungrateful!

just to clarify, i am a 21 year old. i used to be like you. thinking that i was getting screwed over by my former employer because they made me do things i didn't want to do. as such, i found myself a new job. and guess what? i hate this new job with every fiber of my being. it is exhausting, repetitive, and long. this job is so bad that it's making me realize just how good i had it at my previous job. everyone on this sub is complaining about their jobs when you don't really understand just how good they have it. you bitch and moan when you should be counting your blessings. do you want to know what your employer owes you? nothing! absolutely nothing! the only thing you are owed is the wage you are paid for your work. nothing more and nothing less. after…

just to clarify, i am a 21 year old.

i used to be like you. thinking that i was getting screwed over by my former employer because they made me do things i didn't want to do. as such, i found myself a new job. and guess what? i hate this new job with every fiber of my being. it is exhausting, repetitive, and long. this job is so bad that it's making me realize just how good i had it at my previous job.

everyone on this sub is complaining about their jobs when you don't really understand just how good they have it. you bitch and moan when you should be counting your blessings. do you want to know what your employer owes you? nothing! absolutely nothing! the only thing you are owed is the wage you are paid for your work. nothing more and nothing less.

after every perceived slight against you, you come to this sub to whine about not getting your way. and i honestly don't know what's worse. the fact that you come to this sub looking for validation or that, more often then not, you get it. this sub is an echo chamber of ingratitude and entitlement. you all act like you're such victims. oh you have to work for a living. boo fucking hoo. some people aren't even lucky enough to have jobs to complain about. not to mention, you encourage some really bad ideas such as leaving jobs without notice. i know that might feel good in the moment but, when the satisfaction wears off, the only thing you will be left with is a burned bridge. you never know when you might need to walk across that bridge again.

mark my words, eventually, something worse is going to come along. maybe you'll get a job that is worse then the job you previously had. and when that happens, you'll realize just how good you had it and you'll regret every second you spent being ungrateful.

i'm going to get hate for this and i really don't care. you are all in need of a serious wake up call and who better to give you one then one of your peers. whenever someone dares to disagree with you, you roll your eyes and proclaim “ok boomer”. well, here is a member of your peers, someone closer to your age, telling you that what you're doing is wrong.

grow up and do it fast. because, if you think you can make it through life with this attitude, you're in for a long life of disapointment.

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