
Should I take it personal that I was not invited to the CFO’s “blowing out the cake” birthday meeting?

I’m not sure if I should even care to allow this to bother me, but it does and here I am asking Reddit for some sound advice. Apparently earlier this week, an email from the Finance director was sent to invite everyone to come sing happy birthday to our CFO on Friday morning. I’m on a team of 5 people and none of us, except our boss was aware. Our boss went to it but didn’t tell us. One of the accountants later asked me why my team didn’t go? I said I didn’t know and we didn’t receive an invite. She then said our boss was there so we all thought you all skipped out. This really rubbed me the wrong way. Why were we left off the invite but our boss was included? Should our boss have told us? I am the type of person who will attend…

I’m not sure if I should even care to allow this to bother me, but it does and here I am asking Reddit for some sound advice.

Apparently earlier this week, an email from the Finance director was sent to invite everyone to come sing happy birthday to our CFO on Friday morning. I’m on a team of 5 people and none of us, except our boss was aware. Our boss went to it but didn’t tell us. One of the accountants later asked me why my team didn’t go? I said I didn’t know and we didn’t receive an invite. She then said our boss was there so we all thought you all skipped out.

This really rubbed me the wrong way. Why were we left off the invite but our boss was included? Should our boss have told us? I am the type of person who will attend every employee celebration as a sign of support and joy for them. The other 4 ppl on my team do not go. I just feel like I have been placed in that bucket and therefore am not invited. I’m not really sure if what I’m feeling is right. Looking for some advice. Thanks

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