
First Panic Attack on Monday while at Work

Hey folks, A little background leading up to the event. On Friday February 17th my boss came and spoke with me after our “mock inspection”. She told me that I am a very lazy individual and that this was the worst inspection she has ever seen. I work in a large animal research building that was built in the 40's and is falling apart. I'm also the only person working in the building, and I was offered no help in preparation for this “mock inspection”. I've also been in this position for 6 months and had received no guidance as to what needed to be done. Over the weekend, I had extreme levels of anxiety and did not get an ounce of sleep. On Monday, her boss and her literally cornered me in a room I was working on and proceeded to berate me; they reiterated what my boss had…

Hey folks,

A little background leading up to the event. On Friday February 17th my boss came and spoke with me after our “mock inspection”. She told me that I am a very lazy individual and that this was the worst inspection she has ever seen. I work in a large animal research building that was built in the 40's and is falling apart. I'm also the only person working in the building, and I was offered no help in preparation for this “mock inspection”. I've also been in this position for 6 months and had received no guidance as to what needed to be done. Over the weekend, I had extreme levels of anxiety and did not get an ounce of sleep.

On Monday, her boss and her literally cornered me in a room I was working on and proceeded to berate me; they reiterated what my boss had previously said.

So, on Monday I had my first ever panic attack. It was horrifying to say the least. I've always struggled with anxiety, but it was never like that.

I called my doctor and told him what was going on between by rapid breathing, and he recommended a visit to the ER. The best part was my boss was annoyed that I had to leave to go to the ER.

At the ER my BP was 154/73 and my heart rate was pushing 200. It took 40 minutes to be seen by nurse. The gave me some Ativan which helped immediately, and I was advised to see my psychiatrist the following day.

I told my boss this and, I shit you not, her response was, “Do what you think you need to do I guess.”

My boss and her boss have not spoken to me after the incident.

Should I contact my HR department with how she handled the situation? I work at a university if that matters any.

Thanks for listening to my story. I don't really have anyone to tell other than my wife, and it feels nice getting it off my chest.

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