
Sick PTO not available unless out long term? NYS

This is very confusing for me, for reference I work in New York and was a manager in my previous career and we always had separate PTO banks for sick/vacation/personal PTO. At the new employer it's been stated that regardless of the reason for being off, it comes out of the personal PTO bank and that NYS sick time is only if you're out for a prolonged period of time with illness… but isn't that what short term/long term disability benefits are for? I just dont understand and feel scammed out of my legally obligatied paid sick time.

This is very confusing for me, for reference I work in New York and was a manager in my previous career and we always had separate PTO banks for sick/vacation/personal PTO. At the new employer it's been stated that regardless of the reason for being off, it comes out of the personal PTO bank and that NYS sick time is only if you're out for a prolonged period of time with illness… but isn't that what short term/long term disability benefits are for? I just dont understand and feel scammed out of my legally obligatied paid sick time.

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