
I think my supervisor is setting me up.

I work at a private school as a custodian and was waiting to get proper training on the backpack vacuum as they’d moved from dust mops to vacuums only which was a change. I’ve been here for five years and the supervisor is new and had been here for a year. Well my supervisor told me on Monday he would train me as I’d been missing some things and said I needed to wait until Thursday or Friday for him to be there to train me properly. Well on Thursday he did an inspection of my building instead of training me, and had my manager and director come with him to scold me for not vacuuming properly which caught me off guard. My director at first sounded like he was going to fire me for not doing my job, I had to remind my supervisor that he specifically told me…

I work at a private school as a custodian and was waiting to get proper training on the backpack vacuum as they’d moved from dust mops to vacuums only which was a change. I’ve been here for five years and the supervisor is new and had been here for a year.

Well my supervisor told me on Monday he would train me as I’d been missing some things and said I needed to wait until Thursday or Friday for him to be there to train me properly.

Well on Thursday he did an inspection of my building instead of training me, and had my manager and director come with him to scold me for not vacuuming properly which caught me off guard.

My director at first sounded like he was going to fire me for not doing my job, I had to remind my supervisor that he specifically told me to wait, to which he said he “forgot” he told me that he said to wait until then to vacuum.

I legit don’t know what to do, I’ve been trying to improve and it was super intimidating to have three superiors yelling at me for my supervisors lapse of memory. (I take responsibility for not vacuuming well enough hence the training

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