
Reimbursement for a non optional Christmas gift?

I started working for this company in June and when December rolled around there was an email saying “we like to give our boss and the owner gifts during this time of year. there will be a large stocking owner's door where you can drop off socks” Then during the holiday potluck the boss received a self warming mug from the office. I thought that was nice. About a week later I got an email asking for reimbursement. I didn't think that was fair nor did we have to option and I didn't want to give my money for someone who I'm sure makes 3x what I make. Am I wrong for not wanting to participate?

I started working for this company in June and when December rolled around there was an email saying “we like to give our boss and the owner gifts during this time of year. there will be a large stocking owner's door where you can drop off socks”

Then during the holiday potluck the boss received a self warming mug from the office. I thought that was nice. About a week later I got an email asking for reimbursement. I didn't think that was fair nor did we have to option and I didn't want to give my money for someone who I'm sure makes 3x what I make. Am I wrong for not wanting to participate?

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