
I have no idea what to do.

22F, working full-time at a candy store in a mall. I am a strong believer that the human race was not meant to work. It is a belief rooted deep in my soul and my whole family resents me for it. I constantly get told to just suck it up and accept that it's just the way things are but I refuse to accept it. I have been from job to job and nothing is working out. I am at a job that I hate with a 24 year old manager who does nothing but get high in the bathroom and dissapear whenever a customer comes up to the register to check out. I cannot stand on my feet all day for the rest of my life. I should not be going through physical pain for money. I didn't go to college because it's expensive and I can't bring myself…

22F, working full-time at a candy store in a mall.

I am a strong believer that the human race was not meant to work. It is a belief rooted deep in my soul and my whole family resents me for it. I constantly get told to just suck it up and accept that it's just the way things are but I refuse to accept it.

I have been from job to job and nothing is working out. I am at a job that I hate with a 24 year old manager who does nothing but get high in the bathroom and dissapear whenever a customer comes up to the register to check out. I cannot stand on my feet all day for the rest of my life. I should not be going through physical pain for money.

I didn't go to college because it's expensive and I can't bring myself to go through any more school than I already have for 12 years.

I simply do not want to work. I want to stay at home and better myself and heal the traumas from my childhood. I want to be able to lose weight and sing and dance whenever I want and not muffle my personality for something as mundane as a job.

How else does one save money and earn money without working? I am in a rut. I thought getting a higher-paying job would make me happy because I'm making more money but it doesn't matter! If I have all of this money and no time to do what I want with it, there's no point. My time is more valuable. Time means way more to me.

I don't know where to start. I don't know what to do. All I know is that I can't work a job for the rest of my life. I can't be 50 years old and still busting my ass for something as common as money. Any advice is welcome. Questions are also welcome.

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