
They were trying to get free labor so I walked

Worked at this company for a year. Started with a temp agency, so technically, only 9 months directly for them. The way they do PTO is that 10 hours are accrued per month. They give you 120 hours in bulk in october. I saw my balance and thought, “Well, hell, better use it. Surely I'll get more through the year. ” Long story short, it didn't work out that way. I used 110 hours of it (between two weeks requested and sick/out days) and figured out I was tired of them and put in my notice. They then informed me that I'd end up oweing them money for some PTO time i hadn't 'earned'. At first, I was accepting of it. Then they told me they'd be taking my last check. I asked if I could make an arrangement. They said nah. I said f*ck you guys and left. Never…

Worked at this company for a year. Started with a temp agency, so technically, only 9 months directly for them. The way they do PTO is that 10 hours are accrued per month. They give you 120 hours in bulk in october. I saw my balance and thought, “Well, hell, better use it. Surely I'll get more through the year. ”
Long story short, it didn't work out that way. I used 110 hours of it (between two weeks requested and sick/out days) and figured out I was tired of them and put in my notice. They then informed me that I'd end up oweing them money for some PTO time i hadn't 'earned'. At first, I was accepting of it. Then they told me they'd be taking my last check. I asked if I could make an arrangement. They said nah. I said f*ck you guys and left. Never once was I told that I wouldn't be receiving more time off, or that I could end up oweing it back. I saw my available balance and took advantage of what I thought was a good thing, when in reality, they bent me over. Walked out this morning. Fuck those guys.

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