Unions strike me as a rather passive body, which reacts against ill treatment of its members rather than proactively lashing out at errant employers. Strikes are slow to mobilize, and collective action is lethargic, given the reactive/passive nature of unions. This also makes unions susceptible to busting and attacks.
I was thinking: what if we are able to get a large percentage of working class folks to sign up to a e.g. “Labour Collective”? This labour collective would act as a gatekeeper to labour that employers need. I.e. when a McDonalds is hiring, the labour collective will speak to that McDonalds branch, ask them how many people they need, and then fight for a higher wage outright, or deny labour disbursement outright to that McDonalds branch + blacklist that branch by attacking them on social media. Something like a middle-man recruitment agency, but acts on behalf of the labour class as a whole. It's aggressive and proactive (and takes the initiative) so it's hard for an errant employer to organise an attack against its actions, since the collective always makes the first move.
Just my two cents worth. Thoughts?