
How do we fix this?

So, I'm reading a ton of these posts and like most people on here I've been screwed up the ass by multiple employers who didnt give a shit about me and just wanted to step on me to get higher up themselves. So, my question is, there has to be some people out there who got out of this. Who have started their own business, or figured out how to find a job that doesn't want to just screw you over or just something. So HOW! How do you get out of this shit and just find something worth doing to live off of rather than making money slamming your head into a brick wall. (And I appreciate the sentiment of a comedic answer, but this is an actual serious question from someone who is just desperate and not sure what to do) I want to work, but everywhere around…

So, I'm reading a ton of these posts and like most people on here I've been screwed up the ass by multiple employers who didnt give a shit about me and just wanted to step on me to get higher up themselves.

So, my question is, there has to be some people out there who got out of this. Who have started their own business, or figured out how to find a job that doesn't want to just screw you over or just something.

So HOW! How do you get out of this shit and just find something worth doing to live off of rather than making money slamming your head into a brick wall.

(And I appreciate the sentiment of a comedic answer, but this is an actual serious question from someone who is just desperate and not sure what to do)

I want to work, but everywhere around here just sucks.

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