
My New hotel job won’t let me start working until I can pay $56 for their required uniform! They won’t let me take it out of my first paycheck either.

I got hired to be front desk at Extended hotel, and I went through a Q&A session and sat at a computer for two days to prepare to start work on the floor. I was not told at any point during, that they would require me to pay $56 for their uniform which includes their branded shirt, and two name tag magnets with my name on them for me to wear over the shirt. I only recently got out of bankruptcy because of poor wages not keeping up with rising costs of living, and I had to default on credit to keep being able to sustain keeping my apartment and afford to keep a living. I was in a bad place until I got hired for this job, and they knew this when I passed the interview. I asked if there is a way they can provide it, or I…

I got hired to be front desk at Extended hotel, and I went through a Q&A session and sat at a computer for two days to prepare to start work on the floor.

I was not told at any point during, that they would require me to pay $56 for their uniform which includes their branded shirt, and two name tag magnets with my name on them for me to wear over the shirt.

I only recently got out of bankruptcy because of poor wages not keeping up with rising costs of living, and I had to default on credit to keep being able to sustain keeping my apartment and afford to keep a living. I was in a bad place until I got hired for this job, and they knew this when I passed the interview. I asked if there is a way they can provide it, or I can pay for it in advance out of my paycheck, and they just smirked at me and said no.

Even though I told them they did not give me this information beforehand, they apologized, but still said I had to pay for the uniform myself, because if they took it out of my first check or gave the uniform to me, they tell me it would be considered a handout and would not encourage me to work hard. Showing that the management does not understand poorer workers at all.

Unfortunately, I have to have this job so they have me by the throat. I don't have resources to keep going without money coming in to keep my small place and afford necessities. I'm not sure if asking for help is in poor taste but I'm not sure what else to do here. I can't risk longer unemployment.

I tried to do the plasma thing I've seen mentioned in different parts of reddit as an act of desperation, but I was denied for medical reasons. So I have no idea how I am going to pay for this uniform to start my new job. If I can't pay for it they'll fire me. Anyone who can help with this, It's greatly appreciated.

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