
Burnt out and want to quit?

Hello folks, I have been at my current job for 10 months, this is my first job since graduating. In this timespan I have already been burnt out twice and am currently dealing with my second bout of burnout. We are currently understaffed and management does not want to hire any more people to help staff out. Their priority right now is saving costs where possible which means that each team member is currently doing about 3 persons worth of work. This has been causing me to make mistakes at work which has ramped up the pressure on me. My manager says she understands that there is a ton of work but besides telling me to push through it, does nothing else to help. The way my job is set up also makes it impossible to have a work life balance. I have to be “on call” at almost any…

Hello folks, I have been at my current job for 10 months, this is my first job since graduating. In this timespan I have already been burnt out twice and am currently dealing with my second bout of burnout.

We are currently understaffed and management does not want to hire any more people to help staff out. Their priority right now is saving costs where possible which means that each team member is currently doing about 3 persons worth of work. This has been causing me to make mistakes at work which has ramped up the pressure on me. My manager says she understands that there is a ton of work but besides telling me to push through it, does nothing else to help.
The way my job is set up also makes it impossible to have a work life balance. I have to be “on call” at almost any given moment to respond to urgent work situations. This means I am responding to work related issues at 10am on a Sunday. I have been told by my manager that this is part of the job which means at times I am working way beyond my 40 a week And into the weekends. The pay is also very little for what the job entails.

The job is incredibly stressful with harsh deadlines and tight turnaround for tasks. I am drowning in work and it has been eating away at my mental health. I’ve been feeling stressed, anxious, crying every weekend, even shaking with stress and anxiety.

I want to quit but I am worried about finding another job in this current job market. I don’t have too many expenses, currently live at home so I don’t pay rent, groceries, etc. My bills are minimal. I also have around 12k saved up.

Any advice?

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