
At the point where I don’t care

Hello, I know things could be worse but I currently work at basically a call center and when I say I’m stressed out and dying inside I don’t know how to keep going I’m at the point where now I just don’t care anymore I messed up on a call I just had so I may get fired the sad thing is I can’t afford to be without a job im just overwhelmed and over the mundane work and also the people that I deal with everything is just getting on my nerves and making me highly depressed I can’t take it no more I seriously don’t know what to do but I don’t want to be here anymore it hurts to have to work at this place it’s toxic and I don’t feel safe I was reading reviews the other day and people say the same also this job…


I know things could be worse but I currently work at basically a call center and when I say I’m stressed out and dying inside I don’t know how to keep going I’m at the point where now I just don’t care anymore I messed up on a call I just had so I may get fired the sad thing is I can’t afford to be without a job im just overwhelmed and over the mundane work and also the people that I deal with everything is just getting on my nerves and making me highly depressed I can’t take it no more I seriously don’t know what to do but I don’t want to be here anymore it hurts to have to work at this place it’s toxic and I don’t feel safe I was reading reviews the other day and people say the same also this job be in the headlines a lot and I don’t want nothing to do with it I regret listening to the person who told me to apply I feel like im a cellmate

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