
Resistance is Futile

Quietly quit Rage apply Work chaotic Quit with no notice Sign no papers Refuse arbitration agreements Formalize any complaint with the Gov Put everything in writing Fight unemployment denials Sue on a diime Assume you are targeted Claim it's a protected reason Audit your time sheets Ignore communication outside of work, claim you never received Act your wage Refuse apps without a salary range, and tell them why Hurt them until DTRT becomes HR best practice. Your employer is not your friend, not even your frenemy. They are a stone cold killer at your door that wants your soul, and you to die broke if it benefits them. It's time to treat them like it. This is Generation X warning Y and Z that the game is rigged. Let's. GO!

Quietly quit
Rage apply
Work chaotic
Quit with no notice
Sign no papers
Refuse arbitration agreements
Formalize any complaint with the Gov
Put everything in writing
Fight unemployment denials
Sue on a diime
Assume you are targeted
Claim it's a protected reason
Audit your time sheets
Ignore communication outside of work, claim you never received
Act your wage
Refuse apps without a salary range, and tell them why

Hurt them until DTRT becomes HR best practice.
Your employer is not your friend, not even your frenemy. They are a stone cold killer at your door that wants your soul, and you to die broke if it benefits them.

It's time to treat them like it. This is Generation X warning Y and Z that the game is rigged. Let's. GO!

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