
It hit me today

I will never be able to retire. I have worked since I was 13 with a work permit washing dishes. Went off to the Navy. Took a job after and worked there until 2008 when I got laid off. I'm 54 now. Not enough in retirement funds and no chance of pension. I will die while still working past retirement age and have nothing to leave my kids to help them be better. I look in the parking lot and see Audis and Mercedes belonging to the “Administrators” and try to enjoy peanut butter crackers for lunch.

I will never be able to retire. I have worked since I was 13 with a work permit washing dishes. Went off to the Navy. Took a job after and worked there until 2008 when I got laid off. I'm 54 now. Not enough in retirement funds and no chance of pension. I will die while still working past retirement age and have nothing to leave my kids to help them be better. I look in the parking lot and see Audis and Mercedes belonging to the “Administrators” and try to enjoy peanut butter crackers for lunch.

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