
My roommate got fired for having COVID… Suggestions?

My roommate has been fired after being away from work Monday-Wednesday of this week. Received a phone call the morning of Thursday letting him know he no longer works for the company (Portland, Oregon). He contracted COVID on Friday of last week and has had a fever ever since and a nasty cough. He must have received the virus from work as no one else at the apartment has COVID and he doesn't really go out much, I mean many were sick at his workplace. He has only worked there for about 2 months, just under 90 day period. Should he just apply for unemployment through the state of Oregon? We live in Washington but work in Oregon. They did not claim it was because of COVID, but the signs point to it being COVID as they said he missed too much work in his first 90 days. He also…

My roommate has been fired after being away from work Monday-Wednesday of this week. Received a phone call the morning of Thursday letting him know he no longer works for the company (Portland, Oregon). He contracted COVID on Friday of last week and has had a fever ever since and a nasty cough. He must have received the virus from work as no one else at the apartment has COVID and he doesn't really go out much, I mean many were sick at his workplace. He has only worked there for about 2 months, just under 90 day period.

Should he just apply for unemployment through the state of Oregon? We live in Washington but work in Oregon.

They did not claim it was because of COVID, but the signs point to it being COVID as they said he missed too much work in his first 90 days.

He also missed 4 days a month prior due to another illness but he did show up to work and those days his supervisor said to return home and to not worry about it. That previous illness was not COVID and we all got it that week in the apartment, I assume it was the flu.

What do we do?

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