
Isn’t time to start organizing a revolution?

I know, calls to violence are off limits. This is not a call to violence, this is a call to band together and take control. Civil Rights only became protected in the US because of a concentrated revolt of American minorities over many years. Thankfully it was mostly a peaceful one. But it was a revolution of sorts. Despite the threats of police & immoral actions by racists, the communities banded together and constantly interrupted daily life in order to get their point across. Despite the denigrations of their opponents, they (with some missteps) were able to keep the moral high ground while doing so. If we want a better society, with better planned cities that are built around humans of all economic classes, and city, state, and national resources used to benefit all of us, we have to get out there and show that we're not just going to…

I know, calls to violence are off limits. This is not a call to violence, this is a call to band together and take control.

Civil Rights only became protected in the US because of a concentrated revolt of American minorities over many years. Thankfully it was mostly a peaceful one.

But it was a revolution of sorts. Despite the threats of police & immoral actions by racists, the communities banded together and constantly interrupted daily life in order to get their point across. Despite the denigrations of their opponents, they (with some missteps) were able to keep the moral high ground while doing so.

If we want a better society, with better planned cities that are built around humans of all economic classes, and city, state, and national resources used to benefit all of us, we have to get out there and show that we're not just going to sit back and take it.

And I know, that not all members of this subreddit share the same philosophical goals. And that's keeping us separate. I'm also sure many of you are scared to take action, as it could be mean hardship or even jail. But what, are we just supposed to sit back and let the powers that be continue to fuck us over?

We've seen the results that when we consolidate as a class we have power: they aren't bringing us back into the office, they're beginning to pay some jobs more. Transparency laws are causing them to develop new tactics! But we need to keep them on their backfeet. While they are still trying to adjust to the changes brought about by the few, albeit small victories, and the few instances where random vagaries brought us into alignment as a class, we cannot stop. If we give them time they will find out how to abuse the new reality or walk back some of the changes. Hell, the Democrats have already shown they're not interested, as a party, in actually making lasting changes. They want the kudos without the upheaval.

I don't know how to go about it. I've been working remote for years now, and I live outside the US in a country where despite an enlarging class divide there's no real awareness of class issues and my status as an outsider closes people's ear. My personal network and ability to influence my locality are thus quite limited. But we need to start figuring this all out. Gathering together, writing manifestos, finding ways to bridge ideological gaps, create a structured platform, and then start getting people into streets every day. Even if we only form a bunch of small cells to start, those cells can then start coordinating and with time and some negotiation we have a movement!

We can't just keep posting about our horrible bosses and how Bernie said what we want to hear and hope that things change in our favor. The psychopaths that abuse us are already looking at how to release just enough steam from our pipes that we cave in, giving up a chance at real systemic improvements for chump change.

You think the passing of a 4 day work week is good? Who care, half of us will be fired in the next 5 years once GPT6 comes online! We need systemic changes THIS YEAR, because bad shit is going to happen otherwise, and the people in power will do their best to make sure they don't have to share even when the shit hits the fan.

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